Traditional WAWA Peanut Brittle 300g (25pcs)

✿ Made with hand picked quality peanuts that is lightly roasted and mixed with hand made peanut butter and coated with a unique thin layer of icing. Giving it a smooth rich peanut flavored treat that doesn’t stick to your teeth. The smooth rich textured filling is wrapped tightly with the perfect combination of sugar and maltose and hand stretch and layered 512 times. Giving your taste buds a smooth and pure explosion of flavor that is irresistible.
Vegan, zero additives, preservitives, and artificial flavors an all-natural pure explosion of flavor that is irresistible.
Wawa peanut brittle has a naturally rich and smooth taste that is loved by everyone young and old. Strongly recommended by all connoisseurs!
A no.1 top seller! Tens of thousand sold! Loved by all young and old! Repeat loyal custmers with a high repurchase rate. A smooth and rich peanut flavor filling with right amount of maltose flavor made to perfection. Made with, hand picked quality fresh peanuts that is lightly roasted and grounded to a perfect peanut powder. Giving your taste buds a smooth and pure explosion of flavor that is irresistible. The perfect caramelization of maltose is what gives wawa peanut brittle its flaky and light texture. The most freshly exclusive hand-crafted wawa peanut brittle in taiwan, that is hand stretched and layered 512 times giving you a rich leyered texture and aroma to enjoy.
Rich smooth peanut flavor: A connoisseurs No.1 choice
Item No.:
Inventory Status: In Stock

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Additional purchase price-加購精美燙金提袋

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Price NT$30
Discount NT$30
51630728,,30.0,,38.0,deny,0.0,,精美燙金提袋 - ,,




✿  Size

• Gift box: 20x17x4.5 cm. 300 grams 25 pieces

• Single bag: 19x27 cm. 300 grams 25 pieces

• Shelf life: room temperture 3 months to keep fresh do not keep in warm and humid areas

 if you want to specify the shipping date, please indicate the date in the order field.


✿  Cheerful candy the best gift for your loved ones or for self indulgent

• Taiwan souvenir, holiday gift

• The perfect wedding candy, baby’s full moon celebration gift

• The perfect afternoon delight


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