Happy Blossom Spring Festival Gift Box Series-copy-copy

✿ No.1 choice for Chinese Lunar New Year’s! Expressing joy and happiness!
Comes with 3 traditional timeless flavors! Light sugar wawa peanut brittle, shizuoka green tea wawa peanut brittle, and black sesame wawa peanut brittle.
Our gift box comes with a different flower design for each box, having its own meaning of good blessings. The yellow gift box with the lisianthus flower, comes with the light sugar flavor wawa peanut brittle: this box symbolizes the forthcoming of happiness & the singing of birds in the early spring bringing the true feeling of joy to your soul!
The orange gift box with the plumeria flower, comes with the shizuoka green tea flavor wawa peanut brittle: the plumeria flower symbolizes the forthcoming of new life, new beginings, & never-ending hope for the new year. This gift box embodies hope for the future!
The red gift box with the gardenia flower comes with black sesame wawa peanut brittle: this box symbolizes spirited vitality & life, because the gardenia can survive the cold nights of the winter’s frost and can still thrive and bloom! This gift box embodies the blessing of wellness and health.
Chinese lunar new year’s and spring festival’s no.1 candy!
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Inventory Status: In Stock

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